]> permondes.de Git - Analog_Engine.git/commit - scripts/TP1 08.22 Hollow Cylinder.AESL
a rope slides frictionlessly down the edge of a table
authorPermondes <machen@permondes.de>
Wed, 29 May 2024 17:34:06 +0000 (19:34 +0200)
committerPermondes <machen@permondes.de>
Wed, 29 May 2024 17:34:06 +0000 (19:34 +0200)
a rope slides frictionlessly down the edge of a table

- Hollow Cylinder
- a rope slides frictionlessly down the edge of a table
Scripting language DELACE
20 files changed:
AESL/Template.AESL [deleted file]
Analog Engine Example Applications.odt
Analog Engine Scripting Language.odt
DEscription Language for Analog Circuit Engines.odt [new file with mode: 0644]
Description language for ANalog Circuit Engines.odt [deleted file]
scripts/Anabrid-THAT.ENGINE [moved from AESL/Anabrid-THAT.ENGINE with 100% similarity]
scripts/Damped Harmonic Osciallator scaled.AESL [moved from AESL/Damped Harmonic Osciallator scaled.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/Damped Harmonic Oscillator.AESL [moved from AESL/Damped Harmonic Oscillator.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/Radioactive Decay.AESL [moved from AESL/Radioactive Decay.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 03.08 Charge in em field.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 03.08 Charge in em field.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 04.10 MassOnSphere.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 04.10 MassOnSphere.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 04.11 TwoRaindrops.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 04.11 TwoRaindrops.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 04.12 Harmonic Oscillator.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 04.12 Harmonic Oscillator.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 05.15 Comet.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 05.15 Comet.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 06.18 Mass in Tube.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 06.18 Mass in Tube.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 07.19 Falling Mass.AESL [moved from AESL/TP1 07.19 Falling Mass.AESL with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 07.19 Falling Mass.DELACE [moved from AESL/TP1 07.19 Falling Mass.DANCE with 100% similarity]
scripts/TP1 08.22 Hollow Cylinder.AESL [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/TP1 08.23a stick falling.DELACE [new file with mode: 0644]
scripts/TP1 09.26 rope over table edge.DELACE [new file with mode: 0644]